GCBC Learning Event: Sustainable use of marine resources, conservation, climate mitigation and adaptation

The Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC) is pleased to announce the first in a series of learning events to highlight the innovative research being done by GCBC funded projects.

We will be joined by three GCBC project leaders to discuss the sustainable use of marine resources, conservation, climate mitigation and adaptation in an hour-long Zoom webinar. The webinar will focus on sharing learning from three marine habitat projects:


Deep-ocean resources and biodiscovery: enabling a sustainable and healthy low-carbon future (DEEPEND project)

With vast reservoirs of minerals present in the deep sea, mining in our oceans could start within the next decade; yet little is known about the biodiversity and Marine Genetic Resources (MGR) present in these deep-sea regions. DEEPEND looks to develop a long-term project to understand the true value of biodiversity in deep-sea regions at risk from mining and climate change.

Speaker: Dr Adrian Glover (Natural History Museum)


GlobalSeaweed – Supporting livelihoods by Protecting, Enhancing and Restoring biodiversity by Securing the future of the seaweed Aquaculture industry in developing countries (SUPERSTAR)

This project directly addresses the acute problem of lack of protection and overharvesting of wild seaweeds. Project outputs will be used by the seaweed industry, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) and policymakers, with the aim of ensuring increased protection, enhanced climate resilience and the sustainable management of wild and cultivated stocks and their associated habitats in south-east Asia and globally.

Speaker: Professor Elizabeth Cottier-Cook (Scottish Association for Marine Science)


ENHANCES = ENHANcing Coastal Ecosystem Services

This project works with partners in Suriname and Guyana on coastal protection through mangrove conservation. It operationalises novel in-situ and remote-sensing technologies that map and quantify the health, status and distribution of mangrove species at the local and regional scales, whilst monitoring changes and thresholds to generate new understanding. This data is used to generate consensus on local coastal protection strategies and methods using a gamification platform co-developed with local stakeholders for knowledge-sharing and equitable debate.

Speaker: Dr Isabella Bovolo (Durham University)


The webinar comprises three project presentations, followed by an interactive panel session /Q&A

Click this link to register for the webinar.

Tuesday, 23 July, 2024 at
14.00 – 15.00 HRS, GMT+1 (British Summer Time)

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