GCBC Private Sector Study Factsheet Now Available

A recent study by Stantec, now available to download, explored the Biodiversity / Nature Based Solutions (NbS) private sector investment market and the technologies and data use. Its focus was on the GCBC priority countries covering knowledge for the ‘Global South’ NbS market through a range of stakeholders including Nature Tech Firms, Interest Groups, Investors and Academics.

Conclusions from the study suggest that the market is nascent and dynamic but expected to expand and mature in the future. There was consensus that the current NbS investment market is not meeting the demand but this could change as the market grows (and the pipeline of investable projects increases); project costs fall (due to economies of scale and technologies); and regulation evolves to support the market. The Nature Tech market is crowded and has challenges in balancing robustness with cost-effectiveness; but the Nature Tech could be simplified and made more usable without losing quality.

View the factsheet here